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  • 江西自考网> 试题题库列表页> 16. Paragraph➊:      17. Paragraph❷:      18. Paragraph❸:      19. Paragraph❹:      20. Paragraph❺:       A. Making friends with new acquaintancesB. Close link between companionship and belongingnessC. Everyone needs the feeling of belongingnessD. An example of a satisfying relationshipE. Difficulties in establishing friendshipsF. What companionship really is


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    16. Paragraph:      17. Paragraph:      

    18. Paragraph:      

    19. Paragraph:      

    20. Paragraph:      


    A. Making friends with new acquaintances

    B. Close link between companionship and belongingness

    C. Everyone needs the feeling of belongingness

    D. An example of a satisfying relationship

    E. Difficulties in establishing friendships

    F. What companionship really is

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    更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

    A. Loyalty consists of a friend, who will stick by you ,through thick and thin.

    B. More often than not, your deposits gain interest, an interest in your well-being and welfare.

    C. They, will attend your party and celebrate you,just in the way a best loyal friend should do.

    D. You should never exploit your B. L, F. to gain more friends or make yourself seem more important to others.

    E. However,this new trend may lead to disasters.

    F. If the answer to that is,"I don't know"more than likely, they will not be your best friends forever.

    What are Parisians famous for ?(  )

    • A、Their pursuit of independence.
    • B、Their enthusiasm for conversation.
    • C、Their ability to keep the city flourishing.
    • D、 Their devotion to developing a multiple culture.

    21. If a person who shows he wants everything for himself is bound to be      .

    22. I you had no one to share your feelings,your life would be      .

    23. The warm feeling of belongingness may give you      .

    24. The ability to establish fine relations with others will keep you      .

    25. You will find it hard to make friends with people      .


    A. without pity

    B. sad and lonely

    C. emotionally healthy

    D. without real love for them

    E. a sense of security

    F. a lonely wolf






